Street Art in St james Street

Welcome to the self-guided street art tour of St. James Street!

Treat yourself to a leisurely stroll and immerse yourself in the vibrant street art that graces our neighborhood. With nine captivating stops to explore, the majority of which have been generously funded by St. James Street Big Local, you're in for a visual feast.

As you wander through the streets, be sure to take in the eclectic mix of artworks; from bold murals to intricate street art installations, each stop offers a unique glimpse into the creativity and expression that defines our community.

To delve deeper into the stories behind the art, simply explore the info below. This will unlock a treasure trove of information about the artists, their inspirations, and the techniques they've employed to bring their visions to life.

So, lace up your walking shoes and embark on your own personalized journey through the captivating world of St. James Street's street art. Enjoy the adventure!

Click on the pictures below to find out more…


Buxton Road Gardens : Greening Projects