the partnership

The role of the St James Street Big Local Partnership is to guide the overall direction of Big Local in our area and make sure that Big Local is a local, resident-led programme which enables people locally to provide recommendations in good faith about how our local area can be improved. As a Big Local Partnership, we will work with our locally trusted organisation to achieve the vision we have set for the St James Street Big Local area.

The role of the St James Street Big Local Partnership is to guide the overall direction of Big Local in our area and make sure that Big Local is a local, resident-led programme which enables people locally to provide recommendations in good faith about how our local area can be improved. As a Big Local Partnership, we will work with our locally trusted organisation to achieve the vision we have set for the St James Street Big Local area.

In particular, the Partnership undertake to:
Provide overall direction of Big Local to meet our area’s long term vision and outcomes.

Agree a shared Big Local vision which extends from the range of visions collected from across the area during earlier pathway steps.

Create a Big Local plan. The plan will set out clear approaches for realising our area’s shared vision. The Big Local plan will adapt over time but will include how we plan for the £1m to be ‘spent’.

Carry out the Big Local plan. The partnership will decide how to carry out the Big Local plan. The partnership will establish the criteria for distributing any part of the £1m and will identify suitably experienced and skilled locally trusted organisation(s) to distribute the funding.

Assess and report impact. The partnership will need to know how the people and activities are moving the area closer toward the shared vision. This information will help the partnership explore how Big Local may have influenced changes in the area. The partnership (or locally trusted organisations) will collect evidence and inform Local Trust about key activities, accomplishments and the status of funding distributed as well as impact made in the area.

Review annually. Both the partnership and the Big Local plan will be reviewed annually. The process will ensure open, critical reflection on how the partnership is working to achieve the outcomes and the shared vision.

Engage with a diverse range of people in your area, in a thoughtful, continuous and inclusive way and make a commitment to equal opportunities.

Promote Big Local activities, our Big Local plan and the funding available to implement it to people locally and ensure that stakeholders are updated about Big Local.

Engage with voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations, public and private organisations operating in or near your area to identify opportunities and build links 2 where funding, expertise, joint working and/or support can be provided to the benefit of the area.

Adopt a code of conduct (constitution) for partnership members that will expand on these responsibilities and describe specifically the expectations for our area’s partnership members.

Participate in Big Local networking and sharing learning activities, as relevant.

Work with our area’s Big Local rep.

Participate in the selection of our area’s long-term Big Local rep.

partnerhsip governance

We have the following documents in draft, shortly to be submitted to the Local Trust:
Memorandum of Understanding

partnership members

David Byran – Chair
Jacqueline Sheey – Chair
Heather Alcock – Resident
Dan Smith – Resident
Shehnaz Awan- Resident
Amber De Rosa- Resident
Jacqueline McManus – Resident

want to join the partnership?

If so please contact us.